
Psychology of Relations Between People in the 21st Century

 In this article, we will find out what kind of psychology of relations between people is developing in the world, which is becoming more and more difficult and incomprehensible for modern society. In our time, an acute crisis has arisen in communication between people, and at different levels: at work, in the family, etc. So what's the problem? Let's start with the fact that now we live in the age of consumption. Nowadays, most people strive to satisfy their material desires, and often to the detriment of others, which already carries certain consequences. As I said, the problems exist at many different levels. Of course, the greatest difficulties and the basis of all other problems are misunderstandings in the family, with your spouse, as well as children. And here problems arise because of the desire to satisfy their desires. The more a person satisfies his desires, the less his mind develops. But with the help of the mind, a person can influence his life, make it happy and

What should you do if you want to return your girlfriend and her feelings for you.

 It looks very banal and primitive, but in fact there are two reasons for taking it seriously: With the help of self-development, it will be much easier for you to survive the breakup. When you really start to take care of yourself, you will think less about the pain that your ex caused you. It will be much easier for you to deal with stress, and you will more or less be able to pull yourself together and stop losing your composure. If your girlfriend notices from photographs and records that you have changed for the better, then believe that this will cling to her greatly. 2. Find self-sufficiency in yourself and slightly show it to everyone around you. Stay as happy as you were before breaking up with your girlfriend. Perhaps in your soul you will have minor pain and a passionate craving for your love, but you must hide this from others and not show it. Try to hide your feelings and try to live well with optimistic thoughts for tomorrow. Do not tell anyone about how bad and terrible